Describe own responsibilities under relevant health and safety legislation.

Beauty therapy facials

a. Describe own responsibilities under relevant health and safety legislation.

b. Explain why minors should not be given treatments without informed and signed parental or guardian consent.

c. Describe why it is important, when treating minors under 16 years of age, to have a parent or guardian present.

d. State the age at which an individual is classed as a minor and how this differs nationally.

e. Describe the importance of not discriminating against clients with illnesses and disabilities.

f. Explain the legal significance of gaining signed, informed consent to treatment.

g. Describe own responsibilities and reasons for maintaining personal hygiene protection and appearance according to accepted industry and organisational requirements.

h. Explain the importance of, and reasons for, keeping and storing
client records

i. State the salon’s service times for completing facial treatments
and the importance of completing the application in a commercially
viable time

j. State the salon’s pricing structures

k. Describe how to complete client records used in the salon and the
importance of gaining clients’ signatures