Why did some states refuse to allow women the right to vote while other states did not?

The Women Suffrage Movement

The Women Suffrage Movement and how the effects of it changed the way women are seen today. It is an important part of history because without this movement we would not have the 19th amendment, which allows the right of women too vote today. Regardless of democracies that were emerging around Europe in the 18th century, women were still denied voting rights in most regions, including republican Rome and ancient Greece. Questioning women’s citizenship, however, became a major issue in the 19th century and particularly intense in the United States and Great Britain (Oxford University Press, 2019). In the United States, the first convention addressing the issue of women’s rights was organized in 1848 by Lucretia Mott and Elizabeth Stanton at Seneca Falls in New York.

Why did some states refuse to allow women the right to vote while other states did not?