What dietary suggestions might you give to Suzanne to get her back to peak sport performance?

Case study

Suzanne is a 15-year-old soccer player. She is very athletic, plays midfielder, and is noted for her speed and endurance. She’s been trying to lose a few pounds to achieve a more comfortable playing weight, and therefore has decreased her carbohydrate intake from 65% of her total daily caloric intake to 40%. Lately she has been feeling fatigued in the middle of her two to three-hour practices and weekend games, which is affecting her performance. Suzanne’s coach has suggested that she bring a water bottle filled with a sports drink to their next practice. However, Suzanne dislikes then taste of sports drinks and decides to find an alternative. She enjoys juices of any kind; therefore, the following Saturday she fills her water bottle with orange juice and drinks diligently throughout practice. Halfway through practice, instead of feeling tired, she is feeling nauseous and has intestinal cramping.

  • What are the possible causes of Suzanne’s earlier than usual fatigue?
  • What dietary suggestions might you give to Suzanne to get her back to peak sport performance?