Write a research document on a topic of your choice in the field of Management or Finance.

Quantitative research methods for finance.

Write a research document on a topic of your choice in the field of Management or Finance.

Describes the topic, rationale and motivations prompting the investigation, a clear research question (not descriptive), clear objectives and hypothesis, good background information, ethical consideration, good research structure, appropriate research justification, and convincing links to the literature review.

In-depth knowledge of what others have written on the subject, critically review established normative theories and past recent studies published mainly in Academic Journals, proper conceptual review, appropriate background review, clear articulation of main research questions raised by the literature/theory review, and convincing link made to the discussions on research methodology.

Identify the variables/data sets required in the analysis. A clear description of the data set with main statistics describing the sample.

Good knowledge of common research methods. Critically justify the research philosophy, design, strategy, and process, in connection to the literature review justify the required methods for the analysis.