Write a well thought out 1,500-word essay that demonstrates clear and thorough comprehension and evaluation of central distinction.

Central distinction

Write a well thought out 1,500-word essay that demonstrates clear and thorough comprehension and evaluation of central distinction.

Please be sure to address each of the following in your essay:

Sensation and perception are closely linked. What is the central distinction between the two?

How do perceptual experiences affect our interpretations of the world around us?

Discuss how selective attention and multi-tasking are advantageous and disadvantageous in the ways humans’ sense and perceive information in their lives.

Explain how your own perceptual sets might create prejudice or discrimination?


  • Use APA format.
  • All essays should use Times New Roman 12pt or Verdana 10pt font, be double-spaced, have 1″ margins, and include a total word  1,200 words (not including the reference page).