Using the A-E approach what are the nursing priorities for Joel’s immediate care including any further tests that may be required?

Care of deteriorating patient

Joel Johnson

Joel is a 72-year-old retired architect. He continues to work informally as a consultant on some projects in addition to having had a number of books of poetry published in recent years. Joel has been married to Sylvia for 49 years, and they have been planning a cruise to celebrate their golden wedding next year. They have four grown up children, and nine grandchildren, who they see regularly and often assist their parents by providing childcare.

In addition, Joel and Sylvia also care for Sylvia’s 94-year-old mother who is increasingly frail.Joel attended the practice nurse at his GP surgery with a painful and inflamed injury to his left fore arm sustained whilst clearing his garden shed last week, he believes he caught it on a rusty bow saw that was hanging on the shed wall. Concerned about the state of the wound and his observations the nurse called an ambulance for Joel to be transferred to the accident and emergency unit for potential admission.

Joel has mild osteoarthritis for which he takes over the counter NSAIDs and is prescribed Ramipril 5mg od for hypertension. Joel was a heavy smoker until giving up twenty years ago.

Using the A-E approach what are the nursing priorities for Joel’s immediate care including any further tests that may be required?