Explain how the independent variable relates to the dependent variable in an experiment

Scientific nutrition

(A) Define the terms below in your own words. (5 points)

  • Hypothesis.
  • Independent variable and Dependent variable.
  • Controlled (control) variable.
  • Randomized trial.
  • Double-blind study.

(B) Short Answer. Answer the items below in your own words (20 pts)

  • Explain how the independent variable relates to the dependent variable in an experiment
  • Explain how a controlled (control) variable is different from an independent variable
  • Define correlation as it relates to an observation. Provide an example of data results where there is a correlation between the variables.
  • Define causality as it relates to experimental design and experimental results. Define in your own words and use the terms ‘independent variable’ and ‘dependent variable’ as part of your definition. Provide an example of data results where there is a causal relationship between the variables in an experiment.
  • A hypothesis statement does not need to mention the effect of the independent variable on the dependent variable. Explain the reasoning for your answer.