Make a list of 12 characteristics that distinguish Renaissance art from other kinds of art, particularly art of the Middle Ages.Identify some of these characteristics in specific paintings and sculptures.

Renaissance art.

1. Begin by reviewing the lesson material regarding Renaissance art, then access the following websites for background information on what made this art so different from previous eras:

2. Make a list of 12 characteristics that distinguish Renaissance art from other kinds of art, particularly art of the Middle Ages.

3. Identify some of these characteristics in specific paintings and sculptures.

4. View the images of the selected works of art .

5. Select one image from each of the 4 groups.

6. Write 3 separate paragraphs for each image: the first two paragraphs must be at least 250 words each. Identify at least 3 characteristics of Renaissance art found in each image. The 3rd paragraph (min. 150 words) is your personal reaction to the work. [12 total paragraphs]

7. Use standard grammar and spelling.

8. Include the title of the work and the name of the artist as a header for each set of paragraphs about the image chosen.

9. Use your own ideas in your own words.