Based on the citations and penalties provided, prepare a document that lists the citations and penalties you wish to discuss with the area director.Summarize what you are trying to accomplish in regard to each citation/penalty you choose to discuss.

Notice of Citations and Penalties

Read the Citation and Notification of Penalty .Assume you are the safety director for Acme Widget Factory. Your company recently had an OSHA inspection and received the Notice of Citations and Penalties in the mail.

You managed to schedule an informal conference with the area director at the regional OSHA office 5 days after you received the Notice of Citations and Penalty.

Based on the citations and penalties provided, prepare a document that lists the citations and penalties you wish to discuss with the area director.Summarize what you are trying to accomplish in regard to each citation/penalty you choose to discuss.

  • Your paper should be at least three pages in length.
  • APA Style will not be required for this assignment.