Regarding your group collaboration process throughout the semester, reflect on how the collaboration among all IEP team members in developing an IEP that benefits the target learner & attempts candidate made to promote collaboration during the IEP development process with specific examples.

Collaboration and Professional Learning Self-Reflection

in 2 pages answer the following questions:

• Regarding your group collaboration process throughout the semester, reflect on all of the following:

1) how the collaboration among all IEP team members in developing an IEP that benefits the target learner & attempts candidate made to promote collaboration during the IEP development process with specific examples.

2) in-depth self-evaluation of own work style and performance (strengths & weaknesses) as a novice special educator (weakness cannot be “a lack of experience as a teacher”); and

You can talk about this as a weakness “one of my weaknesses is that I often set goals that may be too difficult for my learners to achieve. ” Please write examples for strengths and weaknesses and describe in-depth.

3) specific future plan to engage in the IEP development process based on self-reflection with a particular focus on struggles and weaknesses.