Produce a plan of a Crown’s Opening Speech of how the Prosecution might introduce its case to the jury at the start of the trial.

Advocacy in Criminal Trial.

 Using the R v ? brief, in a separate X-page document, complete THREE of the following tasks (a)-(e).

You should support your answers to this part of the assessment with any relevant law and references to commentary, including but not limited to works on the module’s Reading List.

(a) State a persuasive Case Theory for the Defence.

Justify the effectiveness of your case theory addressing the Prosecution’s case.

(b) Produce a plan of a Crown’s Opening Speech of how the Prosecution might introduce its case to the jury at the start of the trial.

Your speech may be note-form or full-form and should be accompanied by a commentary.

(c) Plan a Cross-examination of

I. Wit 1, or

II. Wit 2.

Accompany your plan with a commentary justifying it in light of theories of cross-examination and advancing your client’s best interests in an ethical fashion.

(d) Plan an Examination-in-chief of the Defendant.

Accompany your plan with a commentary justifying it in light of theories of examination-in-chief and advancing your client’s best interests in an ethical fashion.

(e) Plan a Defence Closing Speech, i.e., how you expect the Defence to close its case to the jury at the end of the trial.