Prepare a financial plan for the following client and write a critical report for Joe considering the two possible developments in Joe’s life as listed below.

 Finance – pension, investment, property

Prepare a financial plan for the following client and write a critical report for Joe considering
the two possible developments in Joe’s life as listed below.

The report should explain and discuss the financial plan and provide the reasons for the choices included in the plan.10 years ago:

Joe was 23, he was studying journalism at the University of Westminster in London. Joe
hoped to graduate that year and be able to start working shortly after that.
10 years on…: You are a financial advisor who works for an independent institution and Joe
is one of your clients, you have to produce a report with a financial plan used to advise Joe
on how best to manage his finances (property, investment and pension) according to the two
circumstances (scenarios) below:
1. Joe is now 33 and works as a free-lance journalist for a national newspaper in London. He
is satisfied with the way his career has progressed, although he started working later than
expected, when he was 27. His job is relatively safe. His annual salary varies between
£50,000 and £65,000, he currently rents a small flat in Greenwich for which he pays £1,800
a month in rent. Joe is considering buying his own place.
Working as a freelancer, Joe is not in any occupational pension scheme, nor in any personal
scheme, he would like to start contributing to a private pension but he is wondering whether
they are good value for money and if that would allow him to live comfortably once he retires
or whether he would be better off with alternative arrangements such as buy a property to let
or investing in a mutual fund.

Joe has a credit card on which he pays 38% APR and which he rarely uses. He also has
£54,000 in a saving account from which he receives 1% annual interest rate and £25,000 in
another saving account from which he receives 1.5% but has no access to the money for 3
years. He would like to earn more interest on his savings as well as gain accessibility to
them but does not know how, he is willing to take more risk. Joe is planning to get married
next year.
(45 marks)
2. Joe is 33 now and a well-known journalist, he has been working hard since graduating
and he has now worked for many UK broadsheets, he is currently employed by the Financial
Times. His annual salary is £85,000, he is in his employers DC pension scheme.
He owns and lives in a small property in Wimbledon, however he now needs to move into a
bigger place as his two children are 2 and 5 need more space. He hopes that both his
children will go to University.
All his savings (£50,000) are in a savings account which provides him with 0.8% interest a
year. He is very risk averse but would like higher interest on his savings as he is becoming
concerned about how to pay for his children’s education.
Joe also owns an expensive vintage car he rarely uses and would be willing to sell. He is
also paying a mortgage (£1000 a month), he has an interest-only mortgage and does not

realise that in 8 years he will have to pay back the capital he borrowed which amounts to