The sulfite ion, S032-, reacts with acid analogous to the way carbonate, CO32-, reacts. Write a balanced chemical equation, including phases, for the reaction of potassium sulfite with hydrobromic acid.

Chemical reaction

1. The sulfite ion, S032-, reacts with acid analogous to the way carbonate, CO32-, reacts. Write a balanced chemical equation, including phases, for the reaction of potassium sulfite with hydrobromic acid.

K2 SO– (41-)
\t6y kft A4,- 5°3
2. Write a balanced double replacement reaction for each of the following sets of aqueous reagents. Be sure to include the phase of each species. For any set that is predicted to give a reaction, using the table on page X, indicate the observation that would be expected.

(a) zinc bromide and magnesium acetate

(b) nitric acid and ammonium hydroxide

(c) sodium sulfite and potassium hydroxide

(d) ammonium carbonate and hydrochloric acid

(e) potassium phosphate and calcium iodide

(f) lead(II)nitrate and sulfuric acid

(g) silver nitrate and lithium chloride