Abstract (400 words)
Imagine the person reading this has no idea about you and your project so be very clear. It should be a short description of your research to enable the reader to decide if they want to read the whole paper.
Introduction (600 words)
Imagine the reader knows nothing about your project, be very clear about what you did and how that fits with the things you have learnt and the relevant theory. Consider why you decided to complete this project and think about your timeline.
Literature Review (1000 words)
Give an overview of existing research in this area, justify why you have decided to complete the research you have. Demonstrate the gaps in knowledge that you are going to fill. Offer literature to support your methodology and the theoretical context you are using, eg Freire?
Methodology (800 words)
Explain your methodology and your methods. What did you do? Why? How did it work?
Results (800 words)
What happened? What did you learn? Case studies? Numbers? Proof of the results? Use appendix’s if necessary.
Conclusion (800 words)
What do your results show you? What does this mean? Did your approach work? Was your project successful? Did you find out what you expected to find?
Discussion (600 words)
Wider discussion on what your results mean, how can they affect society? Should they lead to policy or legislation changes? What needs to happen next?
Use APA referencing
Aim for between 30 and 40 references.
You can include as many appendices as you like
Remember they MUST be clearly labelled
Remember you must refer to them in the text – eg – (please see appendix one)