Where does the country fit into Hofstede’s cultural framework? What are the country’s preferred leadership styles from the GLOBE framework? How are values and ethics different in this culture?

International Business

Conduct a PESTEL analysis of the host country and the impact each sector would have on your firm. Include the country’s major financial institutions and the strength of its currency versus the U.S. dollar (USD). How would the firm use hedging tools to mitigate foreign exchange exposure and contribute to corporate social responsibility (CSR) in the host country?

Describe the host country’s place in the global economy. What are the aspects of the global economy that influence the economy of the country? Why are these important to the country? How could your firm leverage the country’s capital markets to successfully invest there? What is the country’s Human Development Index (HDI) and world rank? Provide details on working conditions and human rights. Is the country a member of the World Trade Organization (WTO) and the International Monetary Fund (IMF)?

Where does the country fit into Hofstede’s cultural framework? What are the country’s preferred leadership styles from the GLOBE framework? How are values and ethics different in this culture?