In one to two paragraphs with references, describe the significance of the condition by answering the following questions.

Sciatica in Pregnancy

Background and Significance (3 pages Maximum)

1. Select a condition to treat

2. In one to two paragraphs with references, describe the significance of the condition by answering the following questions.

a. What is the prevalence the condition?

i. The definition of prevalence is the proportion of cases in the population at

a given time, i.e. how widespread is the condition?

b. From a biopsychosocial perspective, how does the condition

i. increase pain, limit physical function and/or generate bothersome
symptoms (bio),

alter mental behaviors

negatively impact social interactions ?

c. What is the current approach to treating the condition with respect to effectiveness and side effects?

d. What are the economic costs of treating this condition to include healthcare costs (direct) and societal costs (indirect)? e.g. workers’ compensation costs, lost days of work, disability costs, etc.

3. In three to five paragraphs with references, compare and contrast at least 5 Research
Articles on the condition using the PICOS framework. (Background Literature)

P- Participants (Patients)

I – Intervention

C – Control / Comparison

O – Outcome Measures

S – Study Design

4. In one paragraph, provide a justification (rationale) based upon your summary of the five articles that explains your patient / participant selection, intervention, control, and outcome assessment.

5. State the purpose: The purpose of the study is to describe the effects of the intervention on subjects with the condition as compared to controls and indicated by changes in the outcome measure