Educational Research : Write on any of the topics on the BC History of Education Website.

Educational Research

Write on any of the topics on the BC History of Education Website.

Alternately, the following topics are also suitable .

Early schooling in New France (Quebec)
Marguerite Bourgeoys and the Congregation of Notre Dame
Eighteenth century schools in Ontario (or in one of the Maritime provinces)
The influence of Egerton Ryerson
The development of Separate / Catholic schools in Ontario
Early schooling in the Prairie Provinces
The Manitoba School Question
The first schools in British Columbia (before 1872)
John Jessop and the first public schools in British Columbia
What Canada’s 1867 British North America said about Canadian education
What one-room schools were like
The curriculum in schools (choose a time period: e.g., 1870-1900; 1900-1920;
1920-1940; etc., and choose either elementary or high school)