Consider Peabody Pastoral Holdings Pty Ltd v Mid-Western Regional Council.Outline the relevant facts and issue(s)

Local Government Law

Consider Bushfire Survivors for Climate Action Inc v Environmental Protection Authority [2021] NSWLEC 92

Outline the:

  • Relevant facts
  • Issue(s)
  • Relevant Finding(s)
  • Decision
  • Relevance to planning law in NSW.


Consider Peabody Pastoral Holdings Pty Ltd v Mid-Western Regional Council [2013] NSWLEC 86

Outline the:

  • Relevant facts
  • Issue(s)
  • Decision
  • Relevance to planning law in NSW

Consider Queanbeyan City Council v ACTEW Corporation Ltd [2011] HCA 40

Outline the:

  • Relevant facts
  • Issue(s)
  • Decision
  • What the numerous interventions indicate.