Discuss the role that innovation plays in your organization, the sources of innovation and how can innovation be leveraged by the organization in order to address society’s grand challenges.

Organisation & Climate Emergency

COURSEWORK 3,000 words +/-10%

Choose an organization

  • Your coursework will have to ultimately answer the following question: What would it take to make your organization a leader in its sector in tackling the climate emergency? Formulate recommendations and explain how you will measure success.
  • You have freedom in how you structure your work. However, your work must cover the following:

Examine your organizations growth record over the past 10 years. Aspects you may want to cover:

  • Factors that explain periods of fast and slow growth
  • Whether the organization has relied on internal/external growth
  • Motives explaining the firm’s desire to grow
  • Evaluate whether the growth strategy chosen
  • Critically evaluate how the organization has financed its growth

Looking at your organization today, asses and critically discuss the firm’s degree of vertical integration and diversification.

From company reports and other sources, identify the most important activities for turnover, profitability and long-term sustainability.

Critically evaluate your organisation’s potential for external growth as a way to achieve its objectives to become more sustainable. By comparing the different possible arrangements (merger, acquisition, alliance, JV; horizontal, vertical, conglomerate), specify what type of arrangement could suit your organisation the most, and analytically and critically discuss, using the academic literature and evidence available, what would be the expected advantages, disadvantages and challenges for the organisation.

Critically discuss the organisational structure and culture of your organisation and the extent they are aligned with its sustainability objectives.

Discuss the role that innovation plays in your organization, the sources of innovation and how can innovation be leveraged by the organization in order to address society’s grand challenges.