Evidence-Based Practice Project Proposal : Synthesize the independent evidence-based practice project proposal assignments from NUR-550 and NUR-590 into a 4,500-5,000-word.

Evidence-Based Practice Project Proposal

Synthesize the independent evidence-based practice project proposal assignments from NUR-550 and NUR-590 into a 4,500-5,000-word professional paper.

The final paper should:

Incorporate all necessary revisions and corrections suggested by your instructors.

Synthesize the different elements of the overall project into one paper. The synthesis should reflect the main concepts for each section, connect ideas or overreaching concepts, and be rewritten to include the critical aspects (do not copy and paste the assignments).

Contain supporting research for the evidence-based practice project proposal.

  • Main Body of the Paper
  • The main body of your paper should include the following sections:
  • Problem Statement
  • Organizational Culture and Readiness
  • Literature Review
  • Change Model, or Framework
  • Implementation Plan
  • Evaluation Plan
  • Appendices

This benchmark assignment assesses the following programmatic competencies:

1.1: Translate research and knowledge gained from practice, while adhering to ethical research standards, to improve patient outcomes and clinical practice.

5.1: Design ethically sound, evidence-based solutions to complex health care issues related to individuals, populations, and systems of care.