Investment Banking Assignment : How are behavioral and conduct disorders diagnosed? What factors potentially contribute to the over-diagnosis of these types of disorders? What long- and short-term implications does over-diagnosis have on a child?

Investment Banking Assignment

How are behavioral and conduct disorders diagnosed? What factors potentially contribute to the over-diagnosis of these types of disorders? What long- and short-term implications does over-diagnosis have on a child?

Substantiate your findings with specific examples and research from items below.

Over-Diagnosis Short Paper Guidelines

For this short paper, students should draw references and background support information from the resources provided above Students should not simply let the resources serve as their own arguments and conclusions, but should compose a paper built around their own informed assertions and persuasive summary.

In a two-page paper, address the following:

 How are behavioral and conduct disorders diagnosed?

 What factors potentially contribute to the over-diagnosis of these types of disorders?

 What long- and short-term implications does over-diagnosis have on a child?

 Substantiate your findings with specific examples and research.

Guidelines for Submission: This short paper assignment should follow these formatting guidelines: double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, one-inch margins, and APA-style citations. Page length requirements: 2 pages.