Shigella Pathogenicity : What are the key virulence factors?Are there typical “risk factors” associated with infections with this pathogen?

Shigella Pathogenicity

Consider what makes your pathogen pathogenic!

o What are the key virulence factors?
o Are there typical “risk factors” associated with infections with this pathogen?
o What type(s) of infections does the pathogen cause? Are the infections associated with a particular body location or system?
o Does it cause opportunistic infections?
o What are the outcomes of infection? What makes this pathogen a health problem?
o What are the typical host responses to your pathogen? ie) does it cause
inflammation? Immunosuppression? Septic shock? Are there long-term consequences (sequelae) for survivors?

Antibiotic and disinfectant resistance and susceptibility
o What is known about the range of antibiotic/antiviral drug or disinfectant resistance of this pathogen?
o What types of antimicrobial agents are effective against this pathogen?
o Are specific sterilization and disinfection routines in place for dealing with this pathogen in healthcare settings?