Assume the role of a consultant responsible for assessing a client’s business operations and making recommendations for an accounting information system. Prepare a written recommendation for the automation of a client’s accounting system.


Create a table that identifies weaknesses, potential threats, and potential internal controls, along with a brief paper describing the required data elements and the resulting relational database tables.

Assume the role of a consultant responsible for assessing a client’s business operations and making recommendations for an accounting information system. Prepare a written recommendation for the automation of a clients accounting system.

Address the following elements in detail:

a) Create a table that identifies weaknesses and potential threats to a business and potential internal controls to address the weaknesses and threats found in the chosen cycle.

b) For the chosen cycle, describe the data elements that need to be captured in the accounting information system (AIS), and organize that data into multiple relational database tables. Include the data type, structures, and whether the data element is a primary or foreign key.