Police and Society : Which perspective, Orthodox or Revisionist, best explains the formation of the ‘New Police’ in 1829? Give reasons for your answer including a critical evaluation of the need for the New Police, who benefited and who opposed.

Police and Society

1500-word limit

1. Which perspective, Orthodox or Revisionist, best explains the formation of the ‘New Police’ in 1829? Give reasons for your answer including a critical evaluation of the need for the New Police, who benefited and who opposed.

2. Define ‘Cop Culture’ and using empirical evidence discuss the extent of the connection to disproportionate use of police stop powers regarding BAME groups?

3. Using relevant data critically assess the extent to which the conditions (recruitment, force levels, deployment, promotion, retention etc) of female and BAME group officers in the police service have improved over the last two decades? Give evidence for your reasoning.

4. Critically assess the extent to which the police are accountable at the national, local and street level?

5. Discuss the definitions, types and practices of police corruption. Then, with reference to empirical evidence including international examples, critically examine the effectiveness of mechanisms of police accountability in this matter.