Nuclear Structure : Protons and neutrons make up the nucleus of an atom. Write 3 – 4 sentences describing the electrostatic force between each pair of particles (proton-proton, proton-neutron, neutron-neutron) and the strong nuclear force between each pair of particles.

Nuclear Structure (10 points)

  1. Protons and neutrons make up the nucleus of an atom. Write 3 – 4 sentences describing the electrostatic force between each pair of particles (proton-proton, proton-neutron, neutron-neutron) and the strong nuclear force between each pair of particles. (5 points)
  2. Write 3 – 4 sentences predicting the changes in electrostatic force, strong nuclear force, and the stability of a nucleus if the number of neutrons is increased. (3 points)
  3. Write 2 – 3 sentences describing Einstein’s explanation for why the total starting mass is greater than the total ending mass after a nuclear reaction. (2 points)