After watching the video and locating the interactive, online tool located in the Learning Activities titled, Cultural Dimensions Introduction and Cultural Dimensions Interactive Research, write a 500-word reflection, that compares and contrasts the difference between two (2) of the countries you selected in the six different dimensions of diversity.

Diversity Frameworks

After watching the video and locating the interactive, online tool located in the Learning Activities titled, Cultural Dimensions Introduction and Cultural Dimensions Interactive Research, write a 500-word reflection, that compares and contrasts the difference between two (2) of the countries you selected in the six different dimensions of diversity.

  • You may wish to choose the country of your family’s origin and that of your spouse, a close friend, or significant other, for comparison.

What did you learn about your country of origin and how this cultural influence may have impacted your personal upbringing, views and/or values related to power distance, individualism, masculinity, uncertainty avoidance, long term orientation, and indulgence? How might the information you’ve learned, be of benefit to you personally, or professionally, in the future?

  • For this reflection, be sure to adhere to APA guidelines.
  • Use in-text citations and reference your work.