Define selective perception, and relate one or two elements of this concept to your own attention patterns in viewing print advertisements and online commercials.

Midterm Exam

1.) Find three advertisements, each directed at a different market segment in the VALS
framework. Include a screenshot of each ad. For each ad, identify the VALS segment you
believe it targets and why. Use the segmentation bases discussed in Chapter 2 and your
knowledge of the VALS U.S. market segments.

2.) For each of the following products, select one level from Maslow’s hierarchy of human
needs. Describe how you would use the need you selected in promoting the product to a
market segment of your choice. Be sure to define your market segment in terms of
segmentation bases (i.e., demographic, psychographic, etc.). The products are: a)
expensive shoes; b) a vacation home rental; c) orange juice.

3.) Define selective perception, and relate one or two elements of this concept to your own
attention patterns in viewing print advertisements and online commercials.

4.) For each of these products—chocolate bars and breakfast cereals—describe how marketers can apply their knowledge of the differential threshold to packaging, pricing,
and promotional claims during periods of (a) rising ingredient and materials costs and (b)
increasing competition.
5.) Shop for groceries on Amazon or in a grocery store. Identify two examples of products
where stimulus generalization or stimulus discrimination was incorporated into the
package design. Identify one product example for each. Please include screen shots or
photos of the products in your submission.
6.) Find two advertisements, one illustrating the affective component and the other
illustrating the cognitive component of attitudes. Discuss each ad in the context of the tri-
component model. Why do you think each marketer took the approach it did? Please
include screen shots or links to the ads in your response.
Your grade will be based on the following:
a) Did you use marketing and consumer behavior vocabulary appropriately?
b) Did you demonstrate a deep understanding of the core concepts in the course related to
the questions asked?
c) Are your responses creative?
d) Are your responses thorough?
e) Are your responses clearly written and professionally formatted? Do you use proper
grammar and correct spelling?