Operational Management : Analyze and critically discuss the main theories/framework of Supply Chain Management and Inventory Management, and then apply them by discussing real and complex examples from City Pub Company.

Operational Management

Analyze and critically discuss the main theories/framework of Supply Chain Management and Inventory Management, and then apply them by discussing real and complex examples from City Pub Company.


-SCM theory Intro. from Slack Textbook and academic journals.

-Discuss the Supply Chain of City Pub Company with examples. I will provide all informations needed about the suppliers.

-Discuss and give examples of the type of supply network relationship between City Pub Company and his suppliers .

– Analyze Lean vs Agile supply Networks. Apply it for City Pub Company by giving examples of functional and innovative products of the company and discuss Efficient vs Responsive Supply Chain that City Pub Company has.

– Discuss Bullwhip Effect theory and shows examples from City Pub Company

Highlight examples of any disruptions in supply chain on the company due to COVID 19.