- Create a PivotTable which can show whether the distribution of orders for fruit vs vegetable products differs across the 7 sales regions.
Modify your table using “Show Values as” so that you can meaningfully compare the split between categories across regions which have different subtotals. - Recode the “Category Recode” column in the spreadsheet to a 0/1 “dummy” coding, choosing “fruit” as the “1” category. Relabel the column so it is titled “Fruit”.
- Create a PivotTable which calculates total orders [by count] in each region, and then uses this “dummy” variable with the Sum and Average functions [for three total entries in “Values”] to calculate the number [sum] and percentage [average] in each region that were for fruit products. [This is similar to the example we did of showing % public vs private schools, and the %s should look identical to your PivotTable in A above.]
- Create a PivotTable which calculates the average sales per order for each product category (fruit vs vegetable) across the 7 sales regions. Also answer (to the best of your ability with the limited information) whether there could be anything to explain the differences in the $ sales (or order count) between categories across the 7 regions–is this necessarily indicative of a regional preference? What lurking variables or confounders could there be?
Attach your completed Excel file as your submission. It should have a worksheet for each of the 4 tutorial sections and the additional questions from me above.