Digital Social Media Marketing Advertising Campaign : Create a digital social media marketing campaign. Take the things you know and can develop with ease.

Digital Social Media Marketing Advertising Campaign

Create a digital social media marketing campaign. Take the things you know and can develop with ease.

The food you like, a product you use, a company you shop and repurpose their ideas and change it up on how you would make a new campaign fit it to your audience.

The product is your choice to design. Like, stated it could be existing produce or one that is a non-existing one. Examples can be food, a new phone, a business advertisement, etc.

Have fun with the graphics; add your flair to the social media marketing campaign. Be innovative.

Explain the steps of the process you took to design the campaign in a PowerPoint, and then your last slide will be the campaign you designed.

  • Title Slide
  • Ten content slides
  • Reference Slide
  • Campaign Slide

Use graphics, color, use footnotes if more information is needed to describe the slides.