Facts sheet : Based on your chosen incident, develop a one (1) page fact sheet with key information and protective actions for your disaster.  

Facts sheet

Choose one (1) incident from the following list:

  • Earthquake
  • Extreme Heat
  • Flood
  • Hurricane
  • Landslide/Debris Shift
  • Winter Weather
  • Thunder/Lightening
  • Tornado
  • Tsunami
  • Volcano
  • Wild Fire

Based on your chosen incident, develop a one (1) page fact sheet with key information and protective actions for your disaster.   You may attach your fact sheet to your post, embed, or simply create within your post.

Fact sheet should minimally include:

  • Basics about the conditions and dangers of your disaster
  • Public protective actions that may need to be taken during the disaster
  • Public protective actions that may need to be taken after the disaster