Osteoarthritis : Explain the role of derivatives of carbohydrates (glucosamine and vitamin C) in the management and treatment of osteoarthritis.


Explain the role of derivatives of carbohydrates (glucosamine and vitamin C) in the management and treatment of osteoarthritis.

First part of the essay:

1. The problem
• The prevalence
• data from statistical
Search up: epidemiology of arthritis

For statistics either use worldwide or just the UK (don’t mention the US alone).

2. Impact (not symptoms unless you relate it to the impact on their life’s)
• personal
• Family
• Life
• Quality of life
• Economy

Second paragraph:

3. Risk factor
• Obesity
• Age
• Lifestyle
• Gender
• Genetics

Third paragraph:

What is currently been done about the problem?
• Treatments regimes
• Limitations of the treatment if it has solutions why do we need more?
The aims should be at the end of the introduction

Fourth paragraph:

This is the main part of the essay and should focus on the chemistry aspect.
Start with an explanation of the pathophysiology of OA
• Extracellular matrix
• Cartilage formation and degradation
• Chondrocytes involvement

5th paragraph:

The rest should be a discussion (compare) from experimental studies
• Clinical trails – human studies
• In vivo – conducted on experiment animals and toxicity
• In vitro – conducted using immortalized .


• pubmed
• Google scholar
• Jstor