Oracle Corporation : Discuss why Oracle Corp. has suffered a drop in financial performance, why their market share has experienced decline, and what strategies they can take knowing these things.

Discuss why Oracle Corp. has suffered a drop in financial performance, why their market share has experienced decline, and what strategies they can take knowing these things.

Research question and problem statement will be included. I am going to edit the research question and problem statement to make them more thorough.

This paper must be very detailed, free from errors, and deeply analytical. Please include detailed numbers and necessary financials. Please ensure that you will be able to provide a research paper with the utmosts quality.

Instructions have been attached. Please follow carefully. Please make sure that you correctly use sources and a proper bibliography. APA format is essential!

RQ (research question) and PS (problem statement):

Discuss why Oracle Corp. has suffered a drop in financial performance, why their market share has experienced decline, and what strategies they can take knowing these things.