Case Study : Write a script of the above scenario with speaking parts for the manager and employee. Include in your script the specific error that the health provider made.

Case Study

You are a manager in your Canadian workplace. One of your staff members commits an error that has an impact on patient safety, and the patient is admitted to the intensive care unit. How would you let the staff member know what happened? The other members of your staff?

a. Write a script of the above scenario with speaking parts for the manager and employee. Include in your script the specific error that the health provider made.

b. Describe how it felt for the employee to receive the feedback . What other emotions did you experience?

c. Now imagine yourself as the manager. Is it difficult to give feedback (as the manager in this scenario)? If yes, what makes it difficult? If no, why was this easy to do?

4. Provide examples of patient safety issues from your prior experience? What happened?
Was there a culture of patient safety?

5. Briefly describe one innovation in technology from your own profession.