Strategies : Crate what you think are the four best strategies using the S,W,O, and T factors.


  • Review your SFAS Matrix and identify what you believe to be the two most strategic S,W,O, and T factors facing your firm.
  • Place these eight factors on your TOWS matrix, with the two Opportunities and the two Threats going down the first right column.
  • Place your two Strengths and your two Weaknesses in the first row at the top of the TOWS matrix.
    Review a sample TOWS matrix example template to ensure you have your
  • S,W,O, and T factors correctly positioned.Designate each factor as either #1 or #2.
  • Crate what you think are the four best strategies using the S,W,O, and T factors.
  • Create a SO Strategy using either one of your Strengths and Opportunities.
  • Create a WO Strategy using either of your Weaknesses and Opportunities.
  • Create a ST Strategy using either of your Strengths and Threats.
  • Create a WT Strategy using either of your Weaknesses and Threats.
  • Designate which factor (S2/T1, W1/T1) you are using.