You ride a motorcycle, and you think it is much more enjoyable to ride without a helmet. You also believe that your vision and hearing are better without a helmet. Your state has just passed a helmet law, and you have already received two warnings. What should you do? What if your child was riding on the motorcycle with you?

Ethical Dilemmas in Plea Bargaining.

Complete the following steps:
Choose to write about one of the following scenarios:

1. You are a district attorney prosecuting a burglary case. The defendant is willing to plead guilty in return for a sentence of probation, and you believe that this is a fair punishment because your evidence may not support a conviction. However, the victims are upset and want to see the offender receive prison time. They insist that you try the case. What should you do?

2. You ride a motorcycle, and you think it is much more enjoyable to ride without a helmet. You also believe that your vision and hearing are better without a helmet. Your state has just passed a helmet law, and you have already received two warnings. What should you do? What if your child was riding on the motorcycle with you?

3. You are a prosecutor in a large district. You have received a case involving a crime against a child where the child victim is 10 years old. You have a strong case against the suspect and expect to win at trial. The penalty for the crimes carry 20 years to life for the perpetrator should the jury find guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. The parents have expressed they want the maximum penalty. Testifying will be detrimental to the 10 year old but the child wants to testify and the parents have agreed. A therapist has assured you the child is strong enough to tell the story on the stand but is concerned about long term effects. You have 5 other high profile cases and 20 other felonies backlogged. The District Attorney has been encouraging the ADAs to plea bargain as much as possible to keep costs down because the budget is being crunched for the high profile trials. The defense has signaled they want to confer about a plea bargain of 15 years with 5 years suspended. What should you do?

Write a 2-3 page paper on the scenario of your choice and evaluate pros and cons of your decision(s).

  • You should have 3 academic sources besides your textbook.
  • Your paper should include 4 intext citations.
  • Compose your writing in APA format with a title and reference page which do not count in your total pages.
  • Use Times New Roman 12 pt font.
  • Use the 7th edition APA