human and economic activity : Prepare a max of 3-page essay, covering the different issues take in consideration that English is your second language.

Human and economic activity

Prepare a max of 3-page essay, covering the different issues take in consideration that English is your second language.

  • Dont use very elaborate phrases.

Watch Video, In Plain Sight: littps://, a collaboration among Diller Scofidio + Renfro, Laura Kurgan, and Robert Gerard Pietrusko, with Columbia Center for Spatial

Research, commissioned by the School of the Art Institute of Chicago and The University of Chicago, for the US Pavilion at the 2018 International Architecture Exhibition of La Biennale di Venezia,

Prepare a max of 3-page essay, covering the different issues below:

1. The world is flat. You do not need to migrate to innovate. Expand

2. Density is a crude indicator of human and economic activity. However, the economic power is concentrated in a specific urban area. Explain with examples

3. Population and economic activity are spiky, and so is innovation. Justify

4. Talent migration amongst a certain range of spiky regions/cities, is possible. What is your take? Does digital nomadism put an end to this? What type of talent does the field you are at, require?

5. Role of data collected. Analyze binary oppositions and world view constructions: urban-rural, developed-undeveloped, rich-poor, can we move beyond binaries? describe this project for the US Pavilion at the 2018 and justify your answer