Marketing Plan : Describe the current situation of a real commercial or non-commercial organization of your choice and produce a marketing plan, which is reasonably justifiable according to the situation analysis and theory.

Marketing Plan.

Describe the current situation of a real commercial or non-commercial organization of your choice and produce a marketing plan, which is reasonably justifiable according to the situation analysis and theory.

In this report of 3000 words (+/- 10%), you will need to discuss the internal, micro, and macro environments to identify the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT) for this organization.

Additionally, identify and justify the following for the organization:

  • objectives, strategies (segmentation, targeting and positioning), tactics (marketing mix), and evaluation and measurements.
  • Use extensive academic and professional material to support your arguments.
  • State the word count at the front of your plan.

Choose one of the following three scenarios for which your marketing plan will address:

  • To  produce a marketing plan for a real organisation of your choice which aims to significantly increase their sustainable footprints in their marketing activities
  • To produce a marketing plan for a real organisation of your choice responding to the crisis created by Covid-19.
  • To produce a marketing plan for a real organisation of your choice to significantly increase the provision of experiences to enhance their relationship with customers and potential customers.

Consider the following marketing plan framework when structuring the plan (Kotler et al., 2016):

  • Executive Summary
  • Situation analysis: Where are we now?
  • Internal environment
  • Micro-environment (Market Description – needs, trends and competition)
  • Macro-environment (PESTLE analysis)
  • SWOT Analysis
  • Objectives (SMART): Where do we go from here?
  • Strategy: How do we get there?
  • Value proposition
  • Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning (Communication Strategy)
  • Tactic: How exactly do we get there?
  • Product
  • Pricing
  • Placement
  • Promotion
  • Measurement and Evaluation: How do we monitor performance?