Write a report based on the selection of the power train, transmission and drive line for a race car.

Vehicle Performance

Power train & transmission matching

Write a report based on the selection of the power train, transmission and drive line for a race car.

This report may be used in the selection of these components in the team project module.

Learning Outcomes:

LO2 Apply, an integrated or systems approach in order to solve engineering problems. (EA4b)

LO3 Appraise contexts in which knowledge of engineering can be applied e.g. operations and management, technology development, etc. (EP1b)

Assessment Brief:

Produce a report of or equivalent to 2500 words based on the selection of the power train, transmission and drive line of a race car.

Select two power train options which can be conventional (IC engine) or electric motor based.

Create a spreadsheet-based performance analysis and power train matching tool, which you will use to select and optimize transmission and drive line ratios with the power train options.

The report should include details of all calculations and input data used in your performance analysis and power train-matching tool. Any assumptions or estimates used should be clearly explained and justified.

The output of this analysis should lead to selection of the most appropriate optionĀ  for the vehicle.