Ethical dilemma : Make up an ethical dilemma scenario that may happen in teaching and answer the following questions.

Ethical dilemma

Make up an ethical dilemma scenario that may happen in teaching and answer the following questions.

1. Recognize that there is an ethical dilemma

What is the situation? Do I have choices? What is at stake?

2. Understand the facts of the situation

What are the facts?

Do I need to find anything out?

3. Understand the options available

What are my options?

Do any laws/professional ethics influence my options?

4. Understand the consequences of the options

What are the consequences of each option? Who will be affected by each option?

How will the parties be affected by each option?

5. Test the option you plan to take

Which is the best option?

Thoroughly review the preferred option:

Will the preferred option be difficult for others to understand? Can I justify my actions?

How will I implement the decision?

6. Explain the option you have decided upon

Explain my actions – I should be able to justify them in a logical and straightforward manner.

I should have kept records of my decision – now also keep a record of how I communicate my decision to those affected.

7. Act on the chosen option

How will I implement my decision?

8. Reflect on the outcome

How did my decision turn out? Who was affected, and how?