Explain the relationship between ethics and power. How does each of the following leaders advise us to use our personal power? What do they indicate is the way for leaders to behave? Are they telling us to do the same thing or is one asking for something entirely different from what another wants? Defend your answers in detail.

Ethics and Power.

Explain the relationship between ethics and power. How does each of the following leaders advise us to use our personal power? What do they indicate is the way for leaders to behave? Are they telling us to do the same thing or is one asking for something entirely different from what another wants? Defend your answers in detail.

  1. Thomas Hobbes
  2. Leo Tolstoy
  3. Plutarch
  4. Rosa Parks

 To complete a discussion appropriately, you will meet the following criteria:

  • A minimum response is 600 words.
  • Every initial response is required to include, minimum, four scholarly or peer-reviewed resources to support your response outside of your required texts.
  • Every response must be completed in APA style. That includes all citations, both in text and reference, and format.