What do people get for all the toil and anxious striving with which they labor under the sun? 

Differences Between Conceptual and Theoretical Framework

Key Concepts

Conceptual Frameworks and Theoretical Frameworks differ in that theoretical frameworks are broader in scope and use a vast number of theories to research a study.  Conceptual frameworks tend to hone in on specific studies that narrows the focus the down and look to define and alter specific theories.  Varpio describes theoretical frameworks as the “scaffold” of ideas and assumptions, while conceptual frameworks are the “justification for why a given study should be conducted”.  Both are ultimately the by-product of the research conducted (Green 2014).  While these frameworks can drive research on their own merits, it has become vastly important to incorporate both frameworks in current research.  An example of how conceptual research can evolve and benefit from theoretical research can be found in the finance study by Jan-Emmanuel.  In this study, genotype research for the MAOA gene has been linked to risky credit card behavior (Jan-Emmanuel).  As the MAOA gene is said to make people less risk averse, correlations have been tied to individuals who possess the gene being in default or having extensive credit card debt.  This study takes a conceptual study in “What drives consumer credit card debt?” to a theoretical study in risk averseness due to genetic make-up.


It is often humorous to a parent who witnesses their two year old get scared at the first sound of a lawn mower starting outside the living room window or the first time they hear a vaccuum.  To the parent the experience does not warrant the need to second guess the world, but rather view those as normal occurrences.  In researching the differences between conceptual frameworks and theoretical frameworks, a common theme arose in the interpretation and use of data.  While the reading differentiates between frameworks as separate research styles, it has been discovered that a majority of new researchers are choosing to utilize both frameworks in their research studies (Green 2014).  Additionally, the frameworks are integrated synonymously, although the research approach may look different.  Varpio suggests that objective and subjective research methods are common in studies today.  Objective research begins with a conceptual framework and works down to the data, through the stepping stones of theoretical frameworks to devise their theories, while subjective research methods goes the opposite way in collecting data, forming theories, utilizing theoretical frameworks to form a conceptual framework driven by the data.  It is odd to think that the subjective approach was widely frowned upon, as academics believed that the theory should be formulated before the data is conducted (Green 2014); however, allowing the data to speak for itself aides in reducing biases and people’s desire to prove themselves right.  Additionally, the data can point to additional research topics that may need further exploration.

Biblical Integration

What do people get for all the toil and anxious striving with which they labor under the sun?