Discuss the ways this issue has impacted the population. What is the financial impact of this issue? What as a nurse, can you do to help meet this goal?

Increase the proportion of infants who are breastfed exclusively through age 6 months–MICH-15

Complete a Healthy People 2030 paper using a Women’s Health related topic.

Access the website and search for “Women’s Health”.

There are 58 listed objectives under that title. Look for an objective that is either getting worse,little or no detectable change, or baseline only areas. Pick a partner or 2, no more than 3 people per group.

Discuss the ways this issue has impacted the population. What is the financial impact of this issue? What as a nurse, can you do to help meet this goal?

Discuss the interventions, as a nurse, you would implement to help meet the goals of this objective. Compare it to the 2020 objective to determine if any progress has been made to date. Feel free to use bullet points in your paper.

 Provide at least 2 specifics areas and examples how and why this issue is an objective. Be sure to include what the current rate and what the target is.

Format and References

Paper written using APA format: Times new roman 12 pt. font, written in third

person; and appropriate in-text citations. Below you will find a link to proper

APA formatting in your Carrington Library tab in Canvas.