Importance of education and leadership: As healthcare managers, critically analyze the critical components of information included in a research article.

Importance of education and leadership.

•Identify important components of a research study.

•Evaluate a research article for relevance to the problem statement.

•Demonstrate professionalism and accountability through timely completion and submission of the assignment.

•As healthcare managers, critically analyze the critical components of information included in a research article.

•Identify the main parts of a research study in order for you to determine if the article is something you want to use to support or substantiate your own papers.

•Find and print the following article: Johansson, B., Fogelberg-Dahm, M., & Wadensten, B. (2010). Evidence-based practice: The importance of education and leadership. Journal of Nursing Management, 18(1), 70-77. (attached)