Cognitive psychology : Evaluate in 1200-1500 words the interrelationship between 2 cognitive processes.

Cognitive psychology

Task 1:

Evaluate in 1200-1500 words the interrelationship between 2 cognitive processes.

Part A – Explore the one cognitive process in depth by defining what it is, important relevant theorys and key studies (approximately 300-400 words)

Part B – Explore the second cognitive process  (same process as in Part B) (approximately 300-400 words)

Part C – Explore how they interrelate by critically comparing studies and showing how these two cognitive processes are linked together with evaluation of appropriate studies. This should be the largest section  (approximately 400-700 words)

Task 2:

Take an existing public policy issue in either education, sport, work or health and devise a proposal of a cognitive-based intervention which aims to train an associated cognition.  You can pick any that has been covered throughout the module except for those mentioned in Part 1.

You have up to 1200-15000 words for this task.