Research, Methods and statistics: Identify your independent and dependent variables and explain how they will be sensationalized.

Research, Methods and statistics

Maximum of 1,000 words.

  1. Describe the unit of analysis in your study
  2. Identify your independent and dependent variables and explain how they will be sensationalized
  3. Briefly discuss your sampling strategy and how you will gain access to the individuals

Students will be assessed on the following key criteria:

  1. Introduction and conclusion that clearly describes the topic of the assignment and provides a detailed overview/summary of the content of the paper
  2. Research question and if relevant, hypotheses that are clear, concise and testable
  3. Identify unit of analysis, independent and dependent variables
  4. Description of how key variables will be measured
  5. Clearly identify where research will be undertaken and justification for that decision, considering the relevant advantages and disadvantages to that site.
  6. Provide a clear description of the sample and population
  7. Overall presentation of document, including grammar, spelling, formatting, word limit and APA referencing