French White Paper : Write a white paper directed at the U.S. ambassador to France on a topic of your choosing related to a current issue in France.

French White Paper

  1. Write a white paper directed at the U.S. ambassador to France on a topic of your choosing related to a current issue in France.
  2. Explain how understanding the historical context of modern France is imperative to understanding and responding to the current events.

Introduction: Explain the topic in more depth by reporting on a newspaper article that illustrates the issue in its current significance. Also, present your recommendation to the U.S. ambassador in this section.

Historical Context: Present historical context relevant to the issue. Much of this section should come from what you learned in this course, but you must also do some outside

reading in relevant secondary sources to contextualize the issue.

 Analysis: Analyze the issue, and present your recommendation using data and primary sources as evidence.

 Conclusion: Provide a final analysis explaining why understanding the history of the
particular issue is integral to the recommendation that you’re making and how the issue is
tied into the larger, longer-term debate about French national identity.

Bibliography: List the sources that you used for this report, and format them according to
the Chicago Manual of Style