Construct a scientific research proposal that addresses a healthcare administration issue.

Construct a scientific research proposal that addresses a healthcare administration issue.

  • This is a 5-6 page, APA paper.
  • Include at least 6 sources, one of which must be the textbook.

Your paper will have the following sections:

Abstract (or Introduction) – describe the healthcare administration issue that you are addressing with your project. What is the problem, and briefly, how do you intend to address it?

Body –   What do you think will occur as a result of your intervention? Be specific.

Methodology and Approach – how will you implement your proposed solution? What are your research strategies? What is your study design? Population, sample?
MUST include a Survey section

Expected Conclusion – restate your problem, hypothesis, method, and measurement strategies. Explain how successfully addressing the issue will improve patient care.
Other sections you may choose to include: Budget, Cost Analysis, Timeline, Statistics.