Business entrepreneurship: Demonstrate a clear and thorough understanding of the different factors that impact a business in relation to entrepreneurship.

Business entrepreneurship

  • Demonstrate a clear and thorough understanding of the different factors that impact a business in relation to entrepreneurship.
  • Use a range of literature and sources from industry and academic sources to write clearly, analytically and critically.
  • Use APA 7th edition referencing. Link to Referencing Guide

Write a report on a REAL case study business covering the following points:

  1. Entrepreneurial Analysis – How entrepreneurial is the business currently?
  2. Predictions – How do you think the business will perform in the future if it continues operating as it is currently?
  3. Proposals – How could the business be more entrepreneurial (as related to the concepts and points covered in the module)?
  4. Proposal Validation – How do you think the business might perform in the future if it adopts the measures you suggested in your proposals?

(2500 Word Count)

The key areas of focus for this report include all the below areas covered in the module. The report should cover some but not all of these subject areas.

  • Leadership
  • Strategy
  • HR, Teams and Diversity
  • Risk and Opportunity
  • Creativity and Innovation
  • Finance
  • Operations
  • Marketing