National Liberation Army: Provide a detailed analysis and discussion of the terrorist organization or group as well as a more detailed discussion of the motives of the terrorist organization.

National Liberation Army

  1. Provide a detailed analysis and discussion of the terrorist organization or group as well as a more detailed discussion of the motives of the terrorist organization.
  2. Provide an analysis as well as rationale as to why the organization falls into the specific ideology.
  3. Discuss the recruitment tools and radicalization process of the terrorist or extremist organization.
  4. Analyze the avenues of disengagement, including community policing approaches to deter youth radicalization to violent extremist groups, and to deter and prevent terrorist or extremist members from committing terrorist or violent criminal acts.
  5. Conclude with a thorough summary that ties your course project to the information you have learned in this course and how that information can be applied to the homeland security profession.

Adhere to APA style when constructing this assignment, including a title page, an abstract, in-text citations, and references for all sources that are used.